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  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

    Sol Minerales y Servicios está is committed to being a socially responsible company with our customers, workers, suppliers, the environment, and society in general, seeking to contribute to the country's development. This is a challenge for all the work we do as a company, integrating all areas of Sol Minerales and trying to implement them in all those places where we are present. The company desires to do business based on ethical principles and the compliance of the law.

    The decision to make these profitable businesses ethically and based on legality is strategic, since this will generate:
    • Increased productivity
    • Increased market access
    • Growth in the export market
    • Customer loyalty
    • Credibility

    This way of doing business guarantees greater sustainability over time and economic growth. CSR is the role that companies must play in favor of Sustainable Development, that is, in favor of the balance between economic growth, social welfare, and the use of natural resources and the environment.
    This balance is vital to the operation of business.
    Companies must become active in solving our challenges as a society in their own interest in having a more stable and prosperous environment.

    Some of Sol Minerales y Servicios' ethical responsibilities to workers and the community are:

    • To serve society with valuable products and in fair conditions.
    • To create wealth as effectively as possible.
    • To respect human rights under decent working conditions favoring safety, occupational health, and workers' human and professional development.
    • To seek the continuity of the company, trying to obtain reasonable growth.
    • To respect the environment by avoiding all types of pollution, minimizing waste generation, rationalizing the use of energy and natural resources, supervising electrical efficiency, and the correct use of water in the company.
    • To monitor the company’s compliance with legislation.
    • To supervise the working and health conditions of workers.
    • To monitor resources and waste management.
    • To involve employees in good CSR practices.
    • To involve consumers, local communities, and the rest of society.
    • To improve the possibilities and opportunities of the community where the company is established.
    • To maintain business ethics and fight corruption.
    • To combat child labor: we must prevent and eliminate it since it interferes with the right to education, play, health, and integral development of children.
    • To foster equal treatment, discrimination, and harassment in the workplace.

    Here are the most important points about these topics:
    We understand equality of treatment as the absence of direct or indirect discrimination.
    This can be based on a person's racial or ethnic origin, religion, beliefs, age, or sexual orientation. Direct discrimination occurs in and by less favorable treatment of one person compared to another for the reasons described above.
    Direct discrimination occurs in and by less favorable treatment of one person compared to another for the reasons described above.
    Indirect discrimination occurs where a statutory or regulatory provision, a contractual clause, an individual agreement, or a unilateral decision, which appears neutral, is bound to place a person at a particular disadvantage compared with others for the same reasons as described above, provided that they objectively do not correspond to a legitimate aim and that the means of achieving that aim are not appropriate and necessary.
    Harassment in the workplace is any unwanted conduct related to a person's racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age, or sexual orientation, which has the aim or effect of violating their dignity and creating an intimidating, humiliating, or offensive environment.
    Any order to discriminate against a person based on racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age, or sexual orientation shall, in any case, be considered discrimination. Harassment based on racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age, or sexual orientation is, in any case, considered a discriminatory act. Laws prohibit discrimination and harassment in employment.

    Workers are protected against retaliation on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin in all areas and expressly within the scope of employment.


    Minerals that improve people’s life.